Saturday, October 5, 2024

Ginger Snaps

There's no denying that certain genres apply to certain metaphors better than others. Horror in general is the most common genre up for interpretation, focusing on real-life things the average person fears. Death, grief, the unknown -- all subjects no one wants answered.

Another topic serving as a metaphor in horror is puberty, which makes perfect sense. Changes, hormones, increased emotions -- all make for an ideal monster movie. And that's just what John Fawcett's Ginger Snaps is. (It helps that this was written by a woman.) Like Jennifer's Body nine years later, it proved monster movies weren't just for boys.

Sure, some might view the "menstruation as werewolf" metaphor as heavy-handed but writer Karen Walton makes it work. In the hands of someone else (read: someone who doesn't menstruate), it would come off as clumsy. Frankly, more women should write horror.

Released in a post-Columbine society, it had to have been daring to have Ginger Snaps make its presence. (Better that than, say, Heathers.) But at the same time, it was practically an ideal time to release it, what with Gen-X angst at an all-time high. Then again, it's a matter of opinion.

Ginger Snaps shows that horror benefits greatly from being told from a woman's perspective. With a genre often filled with misogyny, it's vital to have women tell these stories. (Mostly because they can handle certain subjects better than men.)

My Rating: ****

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